Antique furniture from all over the world, fixtures suitable for stores, brocant,...
Introducing Guignol Select band TEE. There is no such thing as a...
Focus on culture from the Victorian era to World War II. It...
We are developing furniture with a unique worldview by mixing "traditional Japanese...
ジャパンメイドデニムの始祖、ドゥニーム。 ブランド設立初期のレシピを元にウエアハウスが生産監修。
約1世紀前の旧式の吊り編み機によって編み立てたオリジナル素材を使用し、 タイムレス、ベーシックなアイテムのみを展開。
Strongly influenced by historical dress (circa 1800`s-1930`s). Clothes related to various labors,...
DURA-BILT(デュラビルト) 1910年代に誕生し1930年代にその姿を消してしまう、知る人ぞ知る幻のワークブランド DURA-BILT。 一部HD Lee社の廉価版と評されることもあるが、実際は謎に包まれております。 謎多きブランドDURA-BILTの現存する当時の製品はオールインワンやエンジニアコート などが主流。 当時のDURA-BILTを忠実に復刻したモデルや、そこからインスパイアされる デザインを盛り込んだアイテムを実名で現代に蘇らせる。 業界きってのLEEコレクター、野尻氏がディレクションしております。
We have selected eyeglass cases with thoughtful designs and price ranges.
We mainly deal with frames made in France in the 1940s and...
An eyewear brand that understands the high design and essence of French...
This is the Grand Guignol Original Products page. I want one, but...
The eyewear of Jean Paul Gaultier in the 1990s is posted. At...
A hat brand run by a crazy old couple living deep in...
世界の服飾史に造詣が深く、卓越したテイラーリング技術を誇る JAPAN MAKER。 希少なインポート生地のデッドストックも多数扱っておりますので、唯一無二の 洋服に出会えるかも!?
Hardware-like ornaments produced in Kobe's atelier. Organic forms seen in industrial design...
Items that have been sold in the past and are not scheduled...
Original leather items made by artisans who have been involved in the...
It features a free and unrestricted design by director Tokunaga, who learned...
Sandals made by Marunaka Kogyosho. I was particular about raw materials made...
Representing France, founded in Normandy in 1889 Brand. "NAVAL" which was adopted...
long-term stock and overstock prices I reviewed it.
Considering comfort, using a uniquely designed plywood midsole The ultimate leather sandal.
We have posted vintage frames from all over the world manufactured after...
We have prepared vintage and old clothing from all over the world....